let’s discusses some pigeon beak problems Beak problems in pigeons can arise due to various reasons, ranging from injuries to nutritional deficiencies, disease or infections. Here are some Pigeon beak problems and possible causes: trauma and injury: Trauma or injury in pigeons can lead to serious beak problems that require Read more…

Common pet bird diseases

let’s discover some common pet bird diseases step by step: – Common pet bird diseases can vary depending on the species, environment, and care practices, but here are top 10 common pet bird diseases. 1. Psittacosis (Parrot Fever) A kind of Chlamydia bacterium known as pustulosis, or “Parrot Fever,” can Read more…

Common pigeon disease

Let’s discussed some common pigeon disease step by steps: – Unexpectedly, many people own pigeons as pets. As their caregivers, we attend to all of their needs, including the treatment of numerous common pigeon disease. These illnesses can result in a wide range of symptoms, such as diarrhea, difficulty breathing, Read more…